Active Project Documents

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See PARIS Annual Reports for jobs and current PILOT data.

Abundant Solar County House Road- PILOT through 2036 Application | Initial Project Resolution | Authorizing Project Resolution | PILOT Agreement | Agent Agreement

Cayuga Milk Ingredients

Eagle Drive Holdings, LLC

Finger Lakes Railway- PILOT through 2025 Renewal/Renegotiation Request | Authorizing Resolution | Renewed PILOT Agreement

Denkavit f/k/a Grober Nutrition- PILOT through 2028 Application | Initial Project Resolution | Authorizing Resolution | PILOT Agreement | Agent Agreement

Inns of Aurora

Johnston Paper- PILOT through 2030 Application | Initial Project Resolution | Authorizing Resolution | PILOT Agreement | Agent Agreement | Renewed PILOT Agreement

OmniNavitas Twelve Corners Solar- PILOT through 2036 Application | Initial Project Resolution | Authorizing Resolution | PILOT Agreement

Page Trucking PILOT through 2035 Application | Initial Project Resolution | Authorizing Resolution | PILOT Agreement | Agent Agreement

PG Auburn MOB, LLC PILOT through 2039- Application | CBA | Initial Project Resolution | Authorizing Resolution | PILOT Agreement | Agent Agreement

Sonbryne Sales, Inc. - Application | Initial Project Resolution | CBA | Authorizing Resolution | Agent Agreement | PILOT Agreement

SunEast Solar